Habits Of Successful People


Habits Of Successful People

How to be successful? Follow this golden triangle to be successful.

Out of all Of those books I’ve read in terms of personal growth and personal development I would say it's like the fundamental habits in terms of personal development that could change somebody’s life. I’ll give you a repeat of my golden triangle this is absolutely 100 percent guaranteed to make you successful. It’s very three simple things like I call a golden triangle.

1-Take Responsibility

The tip of the triangle is to accept responsibility. You are responsible for your own life either good or bad. Do not blame anyone else for your life neither parents nor friends. Don’t make excuses or anything else. If you’re not successful you should say I’m responsible for my own life.

2-Write down Your Goals/Set your goal

Number two is write down goals. I remember the first time I read about goal setting it said if you want to be successful write down your goals. So began to write down goals every day and start to achieve the goals. 

Remember when you write down a goal you set up a force field of energy in the universe that starts to attract ideas, people, and opportunities to achieve the goal. 

If you don’t write it down nothing happens. It's almost like a beautiful piece of land and beautiful soil but you don’t plant any seeds in it. you just wait there for the crop to grow but nothing happens. Every morning write down 10 goals without looking at the previous page. Now what I just gave readers, a formula, that is unbelievable.

For example, You don’t need to know why these things work it’s like when you get into a car and you start the car you don’t need to understand everything that’s going on  you just have to turn on the key

3-Dedicate yourself

Dedicate yourself to just continue reading, learning, listening, and upgrading your skills. You breathe in you breathe out. You learn new things every day, it’s just part of your life. We all know that people who are successful are those who dedicated themselves to learning.

Because the more you learn the more you earn , you keep opening the doors to more and more success



All negative emotions which are the most destructive of all emotions come from blaming other people. You cannot be negative unless you blame. You can’t be negative,if you don't blame others. If you can’t be negative the only thing left is to be positive

Set down goals and just work on these goals. Every day work towards your goals and then number three just keep reading and learning and upgrading your skills.

If you’ll do that it’ll change your life. So that’s the big three, it’ll change your life as well you

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